кι NO.1 귣 1 Ŀ ħ ٰŹ
߾Sunday 2017 Һ No.1귣 кι 1
<1 Ŀ> ٰŹ [߾Sunday  2017 Һ No.1귣 кκ 1]

۾ : chaihwang ȸ : 3,239 : 2020-07-01 ּҺ

亯 մϴ. 

UC Ŭ ȯп MUD (1year post graduate program) admission ؼ 

߰ ־ ٽ ۾ Ǿϴ.

(1) GPA Ʒ ִµ, б 4.5 ε ׷ GPA ƿ N/A ϶ ϱ? ƴϸ 3-4гⲨ ߷ ϴ° ʾƵ Ǵ ϱ?

◾ A G.P.A. of 3.0 or better (on a 4-point scale) in the last two years of UNDERGRADUATE STUDY is required.

◾ Please calculate your advanced G.P.A. and upload your G.P.A. calculation worksheet to the application system.

◾ For those applicants whose undergraduate university or college does NOT use a 4-point scale, the calculation of an advanced GPA is NOT required. ◦If this applies to you, please enter N/A in GPA section of the application.

(2) TRANSCRIPT ȯл װ Ǿִµ, 3г 1б ٳ University of Minnesota, Twin Cities б з α ̻ ȵǴµ  ٽ ? ׸ ̹ б 3г 1б Է Ǿ ü ݿ Ǿִµ, ϰ ٽ ؾ ϴ° ñմϴ.

◾ Upload UNOFFICIAL transcripts from EACH college or university attended in the U.S. or abroad 
  (whether you earned a degree or not).        
 If you studied abroad, attended a community college, participated in summer sessions and/or extension programs, please upload EACH transcript separately.


 8-1/2'x11'-format ̶ ִµ, ˼ġ ذ ȵǼ, Ȥ  ؼؾ ֽø ϰڽϴ. ׸ ܸ Ⱑ MUD applicants δ ȳִµ ׷ ׳ ܸ 1 1 ְ Ǵ°, ǰ 21 ߾ ȸ翡 ǹ Ʈ 鵵 ߴ 1, 12 Ʈ 1~2 Բ ߴµ clearly identified ϶° ' Ʈ þҴ' Ȯ Ǵ ɱ?

◾ The portfolio may contain up to 12 pages (8-1/2'x11'-format) of design content. 
◾ Please note that beyond 12 pages, your portfolio may not be reviewed.
◾ Any material that is not entirely the applicant's own work must be clearly identified.
  *Note to M.Arch and MAAD applicants: The portfolio may be in a two-page spread format (20 screens), and any dimensions may be used. Please keep in mind the review will take place on monitors of varying size.

(4) , 2020 5 15 п 湮ؼ Բ ޾Ҿϴ. ô ģϰ 並 ּż Ҵµ, ÿ ̱ ڻ縦 ȹ߾ ׿ Ϸ ޾Ҿ(2020.05.15. 10:50AM). Ȥ ̱ 1 year post graduate program 쵵 SOP/PS/CV Ѱ? ٸٸ Ϸ ݾȳ ޾ƺ ͽϴ. 
+ Ʈ  Ʈ 󼼼 û帱 ִ 庾ϴ.



ȣ ۾ ȸ
3447 п   RE : ȳϼ غ 帳ϴ  
2023-06-15 1531
3446 п  
2023-05-14 1348
3445 п   RE :  
2023-05-24 1616
3444 п ÿ õ ߿䵵 ? 
2023-05-09 1262
3443 п   RE : ÿ õ ߿䵵 ?  
2023-05-11 2207
3442 п ? 
2023-04-30 1094
3441 п   RE : ?  
2023-05-08 1494
3440 п ߱ ڻ  
2023-04-19 1305
3439 п   RE : ߱ ڻ  
2023-04-20 2056
3438 п ̱ ȯл 
2023-04-05 1393
3437 п   RE : ̱ ȯл  
2023-04-07 1550
3436 п GRE/ GMAT  
2023-02-22 2000
3435 п   RE : GRE/ GMAT  
2023-02-23 2918
3434 п GRE ϳ? 
2023-02-10 1966
3433 п   RE : GRE ϳ?  
2023-02-14 2357

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1) , Ȯ, ȳ,
2) ſ Ͽ Ǹ ȸ Ͽ ȸ硱 ޻ ο , Żǰ̳ ̺Ʈ, ֽ ȳ ȸ ⿡ ´
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2. ̿ϴ ׸ : (ʼ) ̸, ޴ȭȣ, 㳻
3. ̿ Ⱓ : ɻ ϴ 츦 ϰ ȸŻñ ̿ մϴ. , ȸ̰ų ÷κ 3 ̳ Żϴ , Һ Ҹ Ǵ ó 3Ⱓ մϴ.

4. ̿ڴ Ǹ ź Ǹ , Ǹ źϴ ̿ ѵ˴ϴ.