кι NO.1 귣 1 Ŀ ħ ٰŹ
߾Sunday 2017 Һ No.1귣 кι 1
<1 Ŀ> ٰŹ [߾Sunday  2017 Һ No.1귣 кκ 1]

CC ڰü
۾ : ȸ : 3,803 : 2015-02-05 ּҺ

ȳϼ 濡 ޽ cc غ лԴϴ^^


̷ 帰ٴ ؿ Ź帳ϴ.Ф ð 󸶳 ʴ ϳ׿

ϴ Ȳ 帮ڸ ūƹ ػ罺 ޽Ͽ ϼż ó HCC ߱. ūƹ ϸ б ٴ ̱ Ȱ ϴ к ذؾ մϴ.

θԲ ־ д ȲԴϴ. ̷ Ȳ̴ٺ Ĵ ° ġ б ü Ŀ ʿ û ü ϴ. Ͻ Ҿƹ ȹ̰ ƴٸ ūƹ غ Դϴ.



1. б 4 1ε ݺ غص ? CC غ 󸶳 ɸ?


2. HCC Ǹ ȴٸ 100% Ǵ (ʸ б ʸɴ 2 ߴµ CC Դϴ.  ָ ̶󼭿..)


Your financial sponsor is a Non U.S. citizen (Not Residing in the US)


A completed (original) Affidavit of Financial Support (International)


And one of the following:


Bank Letter (original). The bank letter must validate at least $22, 980 USD (plus $4,400 USD for each F-2 dependent). The bank letter must be on bank letterhead and signed by a bank official that certifies the financial sponsors name, date the account was opened, average balance, and affirmation that deposits have been made over the last three months.

Bank Statements (original). The bank statements must validate at least $22,980 USD (plus $4,400 USD for each F-2 dependent). The bank statements must be from a current account and should include the financial sponsors full name, account number, beginning and ending balances. The financial sponsor needs to provide three months of statements from the date the student submits the HCC SEVIS I-20 Application Form and all additional supporting documents for F-1 sponsorship to OISS.

3. õ ֱ 3 ? ҵ Ȯϴ ΰ?
׷ٸ Ҿƹ ϰԵǸ б 䱸ϴ ݾ ҵ µ ̰ հ ֳ?


4. κп Bank Letter Bank Statement  ̰ ִ, ׸  غϴ


5. Ŀ б к PAYϴ ̳ ġؾ ϳ?



6. ƹ 20-25 ͺ伭 ι ִµ װ Ե ġ( Ȯ 𸣰ڱ..)


7. б ( ܰ ) л ͺ ܾ̳ ೯¥(?) ġؾ ϴ


8. ڼ غ ü , ܰ ̷Ը Ǵ?


9. Ŀп ڼӴ Ǵ ˰ ͽϴ


̶ ް Ȳ ġұϰ ̷ 帳ϴ٤Ф Ź


ȣ ۾ ȸ
1726 п   RE : мڻ ǵ帳ϴ  
2016-03-08 4554
1725 п к 
2016-03-05 3760
1724 п   RE : к  
2016-03-08 3996
1723 п ̱ п 帳ϴ. 
2016-03-01 2279
1722 п   RE : ̱ п 帳ϴ.  
2016-03-07 2031
1721 п  غسұ? 
2016-02-29 3602
1720 п   RE :  غسұ?  
2016-03-05 3806
1719 п ̱ п ǵ帳ϴ 
2016-02-27 4565
1718 п   RE : ̱ п ǵ帳ϴ  
2016-03-05 4352
1717 п ȣ а 
2016-02-25 2140
1716 п   RE : ȣ а  
2016-03-04 3239
1715 п ̱п 
2016-02-24 3673
1714 п   RE : ̱п  
2016-03-05 3966
1713 п  
2016-02-19 3421
1712 п   RE : 3ε  
2016-02-29 3632

ȳ >

/̿ ȳ X
< ̿ ȳ>

1. ̿
1) , Ȯ, ȳ,
2) ſ Ͽ Ǹ ȸ Ͽ ȸ硱 ޻ ο , Żǰ̳ ̺Ʈ, ֽ ȳ ȸ ⿡ ´
(޻ : Ŀ ΰ, , ӿ, , ߰ / Ŀ / Ŀ / Ŀ / Ŀ / / Ŀл / Ŀ߱ / Ŀ )
2. ̿ϴ ׸ : (ʼ) ̸, ޴ȭȣ, 㳻
3. ̿ Ⱓ : ɻ ϴ 츦 ϰ ȸŻñ ̿ մϴ. , ȸ̰ų ÷κ 3 ̳ Żϴ , Һ Ҹ Ǵ ó 3Ⱓ մϴ.

4. ̿ڴ Ǹ ź Ǹ , Ǹ źϴ ̿ ѵ˴ϴ.