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̱ б н б ϽŴٰ Ͻô ̸, б Deadline б Early Action Ȥ Priority Deadline õǾ ִ ñⰡ б ϴ л Deadline̶ Ͻø ɰ ϴ. б б Īϴ ٸ б Ȩ ȳ оž մϴ. Georgia Tech University Early Action Regular Decision , б ϴ Early Action "Students who wish to be considered for academic scholarships, such as the Stamps President's Scholars Program, Scheller Dean's Scholarship and others, must apply by October 15. The Early Action application date is non-binding, and the application and evaluation is the same as for Regular Decision." ϰ ֽϴ. б ϴ л Regular Decision ƴ Early Action α ؾѴٶ Դϴ. Ʒ ũ 帳ϴ. http://admission.gatech.edu/freshman/freshman-deadlines-fees
Ϲ Early Action / Priority Deadline ϴ ڵ б ˴ϴ. б κ ٸ 10 1Ͽ Priority Deadline ϱ ñ 缭 , , غ ϷǾ Ͻ ֵ ϴ õ 帳ϴ.
Ŀ п ʿ Ӱ ϰ ֽϴ. Ȯ ľϰ б Ŀŧ п䰭 ġ/̷¼/SOP//õ غ, б ۼ ͵帮 ֽϴ. ϴ й ǥ ̷ ֵ ͵帮 , ϽŴٸ 湮 ûֽñ ٶϴ.
Ͻ 뿡 亯 Ǿ⸦ ٶ, 湮 ϽŴٸ 02)554-5800 ϰ ֽñ ٶϴ. |