кι NO.1 귣 1 Ŀ ħ ٰŹ
߾Sunday 2017 Һ No.1귣 кι 1
<1 Ŀ> ٰŹ [߾Sunday  2017 Һ No.1귣 кκ 1]

RE :
۾ : Ŀ ȸ : 7,752 : 2020-09-14 ּҺ

ȳϼ, Ͽ512 . Ŀ Դϴ.

Ͽ ֽ ȮϿϴ. Ʒ ֽ ׿ 亯 帮 ϰڽϴ.

University of Tennesse MSSW Admission Requirements , ش Professional Statement Writing Sample ν 򰡵Ǹ,

з ּ 5 (Double-spaced)  ̻ ̿ Ѵٴ ˴ϴ. ش б Ϲ 䱸Ǵ оȹ Writing Sample յ ·ν ۼ 䱸ϴ Դϴ. (*Ϲ Writing Sample writing ɷ ϱ 䱸˴ϴ.) Ҿ, ش ̵ο Ʒ ٽ ٷ Ѵٰ õǾ ֽϴ.

1. Your Goals

Explain: a) Why do you want to be a masters level social worker? b) What are some of your professional career goals? c) How you will use your MSSW to enhance the well-being of those who are vulnerable, oppressed and living in poverty ?

2. UT MSSW Mission and Goals

How do the mission and goals of the MSSW program at the University of Tennessee College of Social Work fit with your career goals?

3. Personal Qualities

What personal qualities do you possess that will allow you to contribute to the social work profession, including values and ethics of the profession? Is there anything that might limit your capacity for professional social work. If so, how do you plan to manage it?

4. NASW Code of Ethics

The NASW Code of Ethics, which defines clients as individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities, includes the following statement: Social workers treat each person in a caring and respectful fashion, mindful of individual differences and cultural and ethnic diversity. Social workers promote clients socially responsible self-determination. Social workers seek to enhance clients capacity and opportunity to change and to address their own needs. Social workers are cognizant of their dual responsibility to clients and to the broader society. They seek to resolve conflicts between clients interests and the broader societys interests in a socially responsible manner consistent with the values, ethical principles, and ethical standards of the profession. Discuss how your personal values and beliefs are or are not compatible with this professional standard. How will you reconcile any conflicts between your personal values and the requirement of the profession?

5. Social Concern

Concisely describe what you consider to be a major social problem. Address the following areas:

a) key societal and other factors that contribute to the problem

b) your recommendations to solve the problem

c) challenges, including ethical dilemmas, which might arise in seeking to solve the problem

d) if relevant, personal experiences that have contributed to your interest in this social problem

6. Field Practice

The field practicum is an integral component of social work education, requiring a substantial time commitment. As a social work student, you will be expected to plan your schedule in order to meet all of your degree requirements, including field. Students in the full time or extended study program will complete a minimum of 1024 clock hours in placement, as well as a required seminar. Advanced standing students will complete a minimum of 672 clock hours in placement. Field placements that include evening and weekend hours are very limited and availability is not guaranteed; therefore, students should plan to be in field practice during weekday, business hours. Students will be in field practice 2 days per week for their foundation practicum and 2-3 days per week (depending on program of study) for their concentration practicum. How do you plan to manage the rigorous demands of coursework and field practice during graduate study?

7. Additional Information

Present any additional information you would like the MSSW Admissions Committee to consider in formulating recommendations concerning your admission.

8. Transfer Applicants (seeking to transfer from another CSWE accredited MSW or MSSW program)

Transfer applicants must also include a statement describing why you are requesting to transfer to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville MSSW program.

*University of Tennesse MSSW Professional Statment Requirements :https://www.csw.utk.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/92/MSSWProfessionalStatement.pdf

*University of Tennesse MSSW Admission : https://www.csw.utk.edu/apply/mssw-program-application-admissions-information/

Ҿ Ŀ п ʿ Ӱ ϰ ֽϴ. Ȯ ľϰ б Ŀŧ п䰭 ġ/ غ, б ۼ ͵帮 ֽϴ. ϴ й ǥ ̷ ֵ ͵帮 , ϽŴٸ 湮 ûֽñ ٶϴ.

Ͻ 뿡 亯 Ǿ⸦ ٶ, 湮 ϽŴٸ 02)554-5800 ϰ ֽñ ٶϴ.



: RE : : 2020-09-14
۾ : Ŀ


2013⿡ ȸ 縦 , װ ߴ Ǿϴ. 

2021 б⿡ ̱ ׳׽ֿ ִ University of Tennesse MSSW Ϸ غϴ Դϴ. 

߿ Professional Statement  ۼؾϴ , 


̸ ȳ ̷ ǥ ֽϴ. 

Please note that your statement is considered a writing sample and is reviewed for content and writing quality. Your statement must be at least 5 typed, double spaced pages. Use headings for each key area that is to be addressed

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2023-09-13 755
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2023-08-23 1363
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2023-09-12 1042
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2023-08-17 899
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2023-08-24 966

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