ȳϼ, jk. Ŀ Դϴ. ̱ к Ͽ ֽ ȮϿϴ. Ʒ ֽ 亯 帮 ϰڽϴ.
н α 1 US $30,000~$45,000 ϴ 찡 ϴ. Ȱ Ż Ͽ 1 $15,000-$20,000 Դϴ. к Ȱ ָ/縳/ Ź 帳ϴ.
, 뵵ÿ ġ New York University 1 к $54,000 ̸, $19,000, Ȱ 1 $78,742 Դϴ. ݸ鿡 ġ University of Idaho к $27,540, $9,080, Ȱ 1 $41,056 Դϴ.
*New York University Cost of Attendance 2020-21 :https://www.nyu.edu/admissions/financial-aid-and-scholarships/tuitiongeneral.html *University of Idaho : https://www.uidaho.edu/financial-aid/cost-of-attendance
ֽ Illinois State University (ϸ ָ) Psychology н α 1 к $28,891 մϴ. Ҿ, н α (International Year One General) л ó 2 oncampus housing 䱸˴ϴ. Double-room ̿Ͻ 1 $7,262 (Ļ ) ϴ Ź 帳ϴ. ڼ Ʒ ũ ȮϽ ֽϴ.
*Illinois State University International Year One Student Residences : https://www.intostudy.com/en/universities/illinois-state-university/living-in-bloomington-normal/accommodation
Ҿ Ŀ п ʿ Ӱ ϰ ֽϴ. Ȯ ľϰ б Ŀŧ п䰭 ġ/ غ, б ۼ ͵帮 ֽϴ. ϴ й ǥ ̷ ֵ ͵帮 , ϽŴٸ 湮 ûֽñ ٶϴ.
Ͻ 뿡 亯 Ǿ⸦ ٶ, 湮 ϽŴٸ 02)554-5800 ϰ ֽñ ٶϴ. մϴ. |